Wednesday, 29 February 2012

UFO catchers & past coordinates

Hello everyone!
Just a short update, sharing some pictures and some rambling.

For the first time in my life I took pictures of something like UFO catchers. I always thought that they were pretty amazing but I never take many pictures of that kind of stuff, I guess.
Also, look at that dessert I spotted at my local konbini. It was good but I regret buying it. I should have invested in something healthy but it's really cold and snowy/icy and I wanted something to cheer up since no one wants to go out today, me neither. I regret buying it anyway, haha.

Coordinates. (1 & 2) d.i.a. top & choker, Spiga cardigan, Sneep Dip hot pants, worn a lot. (3) d.i.a. top, offbrand bolero, skinny lip belt, d.i.a. jeans. Didn't wear this out, it is so cold lately (>д<;)

Also bought a ticket for my favourite band's live. I am poor & now off to spend money on healthy konbini food (does it exist?) so at least I won't get sick again since I just recoveredヽ(≧Д≦)ノ 
Japanese smiley face failing at expressing my hatred for getting sick ww Have a good week everyone!!