Tuesday, 2 April 2013

black will be back [room & life renewal]

Hello and welcome to April, dear blog readers!
 How is everyone? Feeling like spring is near now?
I do hope it is, I am used to warm spring weather during my birthday month☆

First things first though: I am totally happy with how this year started! I had some important decisions to make and with one decision I am definitely happy now (I decided to not do an exchange year abroad, in Japan) because it was rewarded!
Oh my god I still can't believe it because when they have announced some kind of tour this year after the last final live, I was saying on tumblr 'so please can this be in September so I can see them'
.........I was so so so so so so overwhelmed when I realized they are coming in September(!) to Germany(!!)

Anyway, enough Gaze spam now, a bit more will follow later on haha. Next topic: since I was not going to Japan during this year's semster break, I decided to do something 'fun' -cough cough cough- hard work is not fun actually I already wanted to do for ages: changing my room

I decided to have black walls! And that's the main thing I changed.

I was tired of seeing always the same light brown or white shade of walls and all those boring patterns so I decided to get something unconventional: black wallpaper with a crocodile pattern. First I thought it would get too dark but since the floor is light it turned out just nicely. However there are some imperfections because it was really a lot of work to even out the wall and I didn't want to rub them with sandpaper until I am old and grey (´Д`;) 
You can mostly see the imperfections only where the spotlights or camera flash hits the wall so it's not that bad in real life. The atmosphere is better when it's rather dark anyway!

My beloved accessoires!
d.i.a. bras, diavlo belt, (d.i.a.) choker, (tutuHA) choker & one more (alice auaa) choker!
I have one more box of things to unpack so the empy space will still be filled up~

And here I proudly present you my second family, my babies, my little Gazette shrine~
Yes, you need to take off your shoes before you enter my room (no joke, I will kill you if you don't) and then you may pray in front of it. Visitors always welcome.

I haven't bought anything since the last album (Division, still unwrapped) last summer in Japan where I by coincidence found 6,666yen to be in my wallet just before the release day haha, so most is older magazines, old CDs and CDs bought during my year in Japan 2010 and two DVDs. And some extra goods~

My beloved faithful servants

My winter wardrobe! I stole the clothing rack from my mum.

Other than that there is just a TV (not far from the Gaze shrine & where my bags rest) and a couch on the right of the black shelf. I need to unpack my moving box and want to hang some posters, probably over the couch and somewhere over the Gazette shrine? Not sure yet. And that's all! I didn't and won't buy any new furniture (apart from maybe a different carpet) so it's rather modest but still I am very satisfied with the result. What do you think of the dark ressurection? ( ´艸`)

I felt like buying a lot of different stuff lately (fashion goods), I probably bought too much. I am sure I spent more last month since in the 5 months before that all together! So hopefully the things will arrive soon and I can make a blog post about something interesting again, maybe with an updated room too. Why are powerstrips so damn expensive though ughh