Sunday, 22 April 2012

shooting outcome, diet restart & sparkly gets

Long time no see, my my.
The semester started and I found myself fully stressed with deadlines, sinking into a system of bureaucracy with no idea how to step out, ugh. The new apartment is a big fail. A big wtf fail. It's not new at all and it has nasty bugs creeping out of the walls (there is some holes in the skirting board) that I don't know how to deal with. Ungh. I will drop by at the administration office a few more times and get that room as clean as it gets and sooner or later just give up or what not. I am glad my mom is trying to help me with this ; ; It's just getting really horrible. I hope I will find a solution soon.

So, first things first. I saw the outcomes of the shooting at madRip. It looks like they didn't photoshop at all so the photos are rather disillusioning people of my beauty I suppose haha ; ;
If you haven't seen them on facebook yet, here they are. I adjusted the brightness slightly.

I look weird on the chu-lip one but I like the other one where you can also see my blue strands (◕‿◕)
With these pictures I again realized I am not really satisfied with my body yet and since I somehow could find the patience to restart my diet, I am on a 1200 calorie diet now with the help of 
I didn't really lose weight yet (well, 200g) but the diet is supposed to make you lose weight slowly so you don't gain it all back later. I hope that I will lose 1kg until next week. My total goal is 4kg. Later I might go for more.
The system is similar to weight watchers which helped me to lose weight when I was 17. If you exercise, you will earn extra calories to eat more. If you are trying to diet, please give it a try. Also add me if you like~ Dieting together keeps you motivated.

Next: My latest gets!

new lashes I bought while still in Tokyo
Embryolisse that many ageha & egg models use
d.i.a. bra from ebay I spotted by chance
I absoultely couldn't resist the d.i.a. mise bra when I saw it, and I got it for 20€ (including shipping) which is a good price for a BNWOT item I think. I was fearing that it's too small even when I just held it in my hands but it actually fits way better than most of my other bras (even my Ma*rs mise bra is simply too big, I need to always pull the straps tight around my neck and it won't really hold). I guess I was wrong about my underbust measurement...
For my birthday two weeks ago I also got a lot of other d.i.a. things from mbok which I am still waiting for. Almost regret spending so much money but once a year you need to spoil yourself, right?

Take care everyone, hopefully spring will get around soon~