Hello everyone~
New post because I have to show off a few of my new clothes!
I bought a lot of stuff in Japan that I like, having spend 21,000yen merely on d.i.a.!
I do have some regrets with other brands though, so I will make a sales post soon with cheap cheap cheap cheap brand clothing! (cheap because yen is really high these days and buying from me in € will save you lots of cash :D)
Let me randomly throw in a picture of myself when I had a more or less good make up and day.
And below, my outfit that day. I know I know, the blue FERNOPAA tank top is worn too much (; ;) But it looked best with this tutuha skirt I thought! Maybe I will combine the skirt with one of my d.i.a. tops in the future.
That day I met up with two friends who were on vacation & we went for food, karaoke and purikura during daytime~
Can't help but think I lost weight but I only lost about 1-2 pounds. Maybe toned up body... but I think after all it's the long hair effect that makes the body look slimmer haha.
And outfit shot at the airport. Flight had four hours delay (screw you, KLM!) so I had a little time for this (before I passed out from lack of sleep at the waiting area!). Top and skirt are from d.i.a., beloved studded boots from a store in ALTA Ikebukuro. Belt is from Diavlo. I feel incredibly comfortable in these clothes! The pants inside of the skirt are a little bit uncomfortable in the crotch area when zipped up though... I hope they will be more comfortable after washing them.
Last purikura! Same friends, we took this after a live in Shinjuku Holiday for 1,000yen nomihoudai days before ;D I had a lot of fun talking to Dearest's vocalist who also wrote me on Ameba after the live~ ★
And with that the very last shot that was taken on last Friday! I didn't intend to wear glasses that day but was so tired and up from morning until evening and meant to wear contacts for the all-nighter in Shibuya so I ended up with wearing glasses to FERNOPAA to buy another shirt I wanted. How could I know they'd ask me for a picture!!!
I told the shop staff I felt so embarrassed to wear glasses but she kept saying I was beautiful 笑
Embarrassinggggg~ (゜д゜;)
But okay, you can't see me too well! And I was quite satisfied with my coordinate.
(shirt: vincit, skirt: tutuha)
Click here for the actual entry: FERNOPAA SNAAP
As for insider news, I think I know now why tutuHA changed to Gravil tutuha!
The FERNOPAA staff told me the designer of former tutuHA is now the designer of FERNOPAA.
I really kind of noticed a change with tutuHA clothes I think. FERNOPAA is more my style, mostly!
Also you can see me in the Hot Pepper Beauty Magazine (Shibuya) at the extension shop pages now!
I might upload a picture in the next posts. Seems like my face is popular everywhere but on the internet 笑