and I didn't make outfit shots or anything. Even though it was warm for a few days (; ;)
But, university starts again from tomorrow & I am moving into my new apartment from today. I still want to buy so much stuff for it, like curtains that are not red haha. Red curtains seem terrifying to me (I have them now, as standard equipment for the apartment). I will see when I can make it... maybe designing my room will be a birthday present to myself haha.

Which is my fashion prediction number 1 for summer! While I was in Tokyo, I didn't see anyone with blue hair but somehow it got to me that I just HAD to have blue streaks. I wanted to have more than just two but one was 430yen which is... expensive x_x My last exte place did not charge extra for differently coloured strands.
Anyway, this was before I did the model job, my hair wasn't that long and I had 'only' 50 exte in (つけほうだい). (Excuse the facemask in the pics... I was, as always, lacking a mirror in my room).

So, I am also thinking of buying blue clip-in exte. But not sure yet since I know I don't usually put in clip-in extensions, they are a bother to me and it wouldn't look good if I don't have long hair, I think. After all I think I should have just gotten more of those blue strands but 430yen for one is just way too much ; ;
Still I think blue hair is going to be a big trend for summer. Blue eyeliner (the glittery one especially) was already really popular last year, some might remember?

I do believe this summer it will be coming, too! As well as blue lenses, blue nails and blue fashion items, like Cocona/Serina combines them. It looks so bright and cheerful, doesn't it?
PLUS, it gives a nice variety to the common pink colours shown mostly by Ageha/Egg or adult-like (大人っぽく) all black/white coordinates featured mostly in Jelly or Happie Nuts.
The last week that I was in Tokyo I saw a lot of shop staff from Shinjuku Alta who wore exactly the same lenses as me (shown here)! I was totally surprised, but they are pretty and comfortable lenses after all. And I got mine for only 13$ on sale (*☻-☻*)
It definitely showed me: Blue is coming to rock this year!
About the DON'Ts:
- don't choose dark blue
instead of brighthing your style up, it will give you a goth kind of look
- don't combine blue with too much pink
pink lips are fine but besides, choose either or (unless you are airming for the Harajuku decora look?)
- don't overdo the blue
personally I think two-toned hair, blue & blonde for example, is too much. same goes for all-blue coordinates
the easiest way to not overdo it might be to choose accessories that are blue~
- be careful with blue jeans & blue
might look awkward sometimes if you combine too much blue with blue jeans
Other than that, please enjoy a colourful summer this year~★
ReplyDeleteSieht ziemlich cool aus. :D
Obwohl ich kein Fan von blau bin, aber das Styling ist wirklich Hammer. XD
Das Peeling ist sogar ziemlich aggressiv. :(
Ich hatte nach der Anwendung aufgerubbelte Haut. Hat ziemlich gebrannt, echt unangenehm. XD
Ne, mit Problemhaut muss man bei Lush aufpassen, da können sie noch so sehr für ihre Naturprodukte werben. :P
Danke. ;)
ReplyDeleteJa Chibi Moon ist erst vor ein paar Tagen entstanden, die anderen vier sind von 2009. :P Damals hatte ich die Copic Marker zum Colorieren noch nicht, deshalb lagen sie so lange farblos herum. :)